
The main goal is to reinforce the Universities of Maghreb within its innovation ecosystem due to the capacities, cross-sectoral partnership and leadership in order to:

• Adapt its positioning according to the evolution.
• Create the collaboration between public and private partners for the networking and the harmonisation of the university systems.
• Support the cooperation between both shores in order to achieve the Euro-Mediterranean area of Higher Education, Research and Innovation.
• Contribute to the long-term improvement of the area’s performance level in the Innovation and Technology Transfer field.
• Increase the project’s action ability through the geographical and institutional enlargement of the partnership.


• To create a high added value formation in innovation and technology transfer for 24 centres.
• To improve the quality of the public research results management: enhancement, marketing, speeding up, start-ups, entrepreneurship + women.
• To structure 6 university acceleration offices in the innovation network.
• To support the PhD students professionalization.
• To contribute to the young graduates employability.
• To increase the territorial cooperation through triple helix alliances, innovative ideas seminars, the skills transfer.• To promote the innovation culture through the constitution of elite pole “Euro-Mediterranean leader of innovation and transfer”.

12 June 2019

As part of activity 2.4 of the SATELIT project, the University of Constantine 1 invites its PhD students to discuss about the SATELIT project and employability.

Why the SATELIT project ?

Beyond the development of knowledge, the University is destined to play a significant role within the economic development and the employment of the students it has trained. In particular, PhD students who participate in the production of scientific results for the university, and which can be sources of innovation and job creation. However, there is a lack of university infrastructures dedicated to innovation and technology and they need to consolidate their position in the innovation chain.

Caractère innovant du projet SATELIT

Taking into account passed experiences, the European Cooperation projects in Education combining University, Enterprises, Ministries, Associations and Public bodies on the challenge of entrepreneurship, employment of graduates, the triangle of knowledge, innovation, between the three Maghreb countries and the North shore of the Mediterranean, treating a common issue to be solved together, in a constructive vision, are quite exceptional. In some Universities of North and South...

Impact du projet SATELIT

The impact of capacity reinforcement, making the knowledge and technique advance, is in first place expected from the Universities, the improvement and the professionalization of Innovation and Technology transfer University offices, which will offer a better level of service to the Teachers-Researchers and PhD students. This improvement will position the Universities or it will strengthen their role in the ecosystem of the innovation chain, in their local environment and will have a lever effect on the PhD Students employment increase...


Academic solutions for the Euro-Mediterranean area, which is leader of Innovation and Technological transfers of excellence

  • 12Universités
  • 3Ministères de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche
  • 2Chambres de Commerce et d'Industrie
  • 1Centre d'Études et de Recherches
  • 1Conseil de la Recherche Scientifique
  • 1Collectivité Territoriale
  • 1Association Universitaire